Big July 4 Sale: 20% off Basic & Deluxe Kits
Plus an empty box of fucks & lots of really bad grammar
Whoo-hoo! It’s summertime, baby. Time for sweating and swearing! And swearing about all the sweating! Don’t forget to hydrate and gyrate! Let’s get this party started.
Basic and Deluxe Kits Sale!
You read it here first: a big ‘ol kit sale—everything on the KITS and HOLIDAY pages. Great way to dive in and give stitching a try if you’re a newbie or to get someone else into your obsessive, sweary hobby. Use promo code BLOWITUP at checkout. Sale goes all the way through July 4th at midnight PST and includes this gem—a patriotic reminder for Independence Day!
NEW!: Empty Box of Fucks kit
The perfect gift--give them a box of fucks. When they realize the box is empty, you can tell them you're all out of fucks! Boom!
This mini wooden box from Sudberry House is white with a black velvet interior. It is WEE at 3 x 3" x 2h overall with a 1½ x1½" design area. The lid is hinged and includes glass and a mounting board. The mounting area is nice and deep and your cross stitch piece mounts from underneath just like a picture frame. This kit has everything needed to make this design, including the box. And a seriously snazzy design!
Bad Grammar Series on Serious Sail*
I can’t help myself, these crack me up. The Bad Grammar series of PDFs.
If I still worked in an office, I would SO stitch these up for my desk. Imagine your co-workers, especially if you’re a new hire, just dying to correct you but also wondering how something like that could even be made—one stitch at a time without you even noticing, apparently. Good times! I might have to put one in the background for Zoom calls. Each PDF in the series is $2.00 off—now just $5.00! Imagine a whole WALL of them!
*see what I did there?
That’s it for this time. Be safe out there—watch out for errant fireworks and giant cats. They’re out there!!
p.s. more goodies for paid subscribers below…