Cross Stitch for Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House
and it's time to get ready for Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers!
Choices! Choices!
Mr. Stevers had a great idea, then he had another one! So we’re giving you options: Bless This Mojo Dojo Casa House or Mojo Dojo Casa House Sweet Mojo Dojo Casa House (I swear if I have to type that ONE more time…🤪). If you’ve seen the Barbie movie, you’ll recognize this as being very KEN.
NEW PDFs from Guest Contributor Fwass
You’re most likely NOT a tiny elderly Ukrainian lady, so Fwass upped the game and presented this answer. It's just beets, silly.
Another clever one - if you need MY DNA, just look for one of my embroidery needles (there are probably several on the floor!)
At Least Someone’s Retiring
We have SO many kits—now and then we need to retire one to make space. So, OK Boomer, you’re on the way out! Actually, I DO think it’s probably retiring as well. After this weekend, this one’s gone—moving to Florida, no doubt. More time to dish out unsolicited advice to Millenials, yeay. JK, you know I love my Boomers.
Is it Fall Yet?
I wish summer would end so we could go outside without getting cooked, but in the meantime… time to start on your Gourd and Nip pieces! If you don’t know about this tradition, you really need to read this piece at McSweeney’s. Here are a few ways y’all have incorporated it into tradition!:
I’ve got one more Barbie thing for you next week…a big project you can really sink your teeth into, on glittery pink fabric! I’ll be stitching that one this week and hopefully getting out to see the movie, too. Maybe (lookin’ at you, triple-digit temps).
Stay cool & stitch on!
p.s. Remember, you don’t have to be a paid subscriber, but just so you know why you might want to be: this week I’m giving away two of our Subversive Starter Kits AND sharing a sneak peek at an upcoming Fred product to paid subscribers ONLY. So, y’know, if you needed a reason to upgrade, those are the kind of “extra” things that come with a paid subscription.