I had fun making this one! I’ve had this phrase on my list forever and, since it still makes me LOL, I decided it was TIME! We recently had a party to celebrate the Shipping Magnate’s birthday belatedly and there were some pretty funky late-night dance moves. We haven’t had a party in years and I highly recommend it: spend that money you don’t have, see those friends you haven’t relaxed with post-pandemic and only invite your very best besties. It was more therapeutic than I could have imagined. 5 stars, highly recommend!
2024 Wall Calendar with 12 patterns!
It’s almost here— the 2024 Subversive Cross Stitch wall calendar by Rizzoli! You can pre-order and we’ll ship them (with whatever else is in your order) by August 1st! With 12 full charts and lots of room to write notes at 12x24”. Here’s a peek at the patterns that are included this year:

You Voted, We Listened
Remember the poll I took to see if you wanted any of the new PDF patterns turned into a kit? Here it is, by popular demand!
That’s all for now — stay cool out there and, if you DO dance, don’t forget to hydrate!
p.s. If you’re a member of my Substack, below is your free PDF pattern of the month!
If you’re not, feel free to try us out. It’s NOT necessary, you’ll always get the news, it’s just a little extra something for you super-stitchers: a free pattern monthly, an online community and lots of little extras like private sales and discounts.