Mr. Stevers delivers again with this new kit for Pride—also available as a PDF pattern (though I’ll warn you, there are 12 colors, I hope you have a big stash—if not, get the kit!)
DMC Color Chart for Pride
Stevers also found this—did you know there’s a chart of DMC colors for Pride flags? This is only half of it, see link for the rest. Something for everyone.
Previous Pride Designs
Here are some of our designs from the past 20 years— I can track milestones by when these were published.

Homo Sweet Homo kit / PDF —one of my first patterns, from 2003!

Gay Wedding Sampler: Love Wins PDF

We love everybody (except mean people of all stripes) & celebrate Pride with you, heck, year-round. We’ve come a long way, baby, and it ain’t over yet!
(apologies for the short newsletter, would you believe we’re STILL packing Fine Art Squirrel kits? More complex than we realized, but almost done!)