ICYMI: Your Outie Enjoys Cross Stitching!
And also probably sales and therapeutic benefits and bunnies and more
Stitch Up Some Severance
Please try to enjoy each stitch equally.
For fans of Severance. Available as a kit and also a PDF.
How Are You Feeling These Days?
Behold the healing power of stitch! Here’s a lovely article all about it, the whole thing is good, particularly point #3.
Creative practice is your safe space. It’s a refuge of calm and quiet, hidden away from the noisy world outside – and inside.
As you focus solely on what you’re doing, the shrill voice of your inner critic is silenced and you get a break from those old stories you’re telling yourself. You’re choosing where your attention goes, rather than let it run on automatic pilot.
p.s. I found this article on a site called Textile Artist and thought it was very thorough and well done. I’m not affiliated with them or promoting whatever they sell, it just really took the words right out of my mouth!
Needle Minders: Restocks and Discounts!

These two bestsellers are BACK in stock, baby! They’re hot-hot-hot— the Ramen Kitty even glows in the dark! And the This Is Fine dog is timeless.

Here are six needle minders on CLEARANCE! Most marked down from 10.99 to 5.99. Why? Because I’ve got the needle minder fever, we need to make roooom!
Mini Bun Buns kit from Cotton Clara Scream Spring!
Well, they WOULD scream if they had mouths. They’ve got that Hello Kitty dilemma. We have a few of these left and they’d be great in an Easter basket—either already stitched or as a gateway craft for the kiddos. And now they’re FIVE DOLLARS off!
So…I feel better! NOT being sick when spring is gearing up is the best. There are buds on the trees (though we call this false spring in Dallas, as there will be more freezing). I’m spending time encouraging things to bloom, whispering sweet things and taking care not to curse around them. I’ve got some things to plant but I guess I have to sit on my hands for a couple more weeks.
Oh! Instead of sitting on my hands I COULD be cross stitching! DUH! I’ve got a bunch of ideas. OMG, the ones with red stars next to them have moved to the top of my list, and they make me laugh every time.
I am so grateful you’re here, just knowing I have fun things in the works for you makes it nice to be back at my desk. So much to do!
Don’t forget to stitch. Anxiety can’t compete with attention!
Have a good one and go outside and look at the sky now and then.
As The Bloggess would say—I super crazy love you! I do!