You’re Your Own Best Valentine
I’ve had more time lately to noodle around with new designs and here’s the first result: Buy Yourself Flowers Inspired by the Miley video —if you haven’t seen the video, damn! Talk about empowerment. This is available as a kit and also a PDF.
Lily Tomlin FTW
Here’s a good one from Mr. Stevers—a Lily Tomlin quote in PDF form for your Valentine feelings.
Dance, Dance, Dance!
From Sonovastitch — I saw this in his shop and laughed outloud, so he was kind enough to send it to us as a PDF!
Brrring-Ring-Ring, Booty Callin’!
Mr. Stevers again— Booty Call goodness. Hey, I don’t pretend to know all the kinds of Valentines you have!
I’m off to stitch some more, so I’ll make this brief. Feel free to send me any favorite phrases you may have for V-Day. There will be some more matchboxes full of loveliness and Valentine wishes. And another pillow. So many things.
I gotta get busy! THANK YOU for subscribing! A little extra for paid subscribers below as promised!