Weatherproof Front Door Sign
It's the season for throngs of political solicitors to pound down your door and, I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of it. So I came up with the idea for a washable, fairly weatherproof sign and put it together in a kit--here it is at my front door—I didn't know plastic came in a 14-count grid, did you? It's thinner and easier to work with than the old kind that came in kits for kids. The best part is if it gets dirty, just aim the hose at it and you're good to go! Also available as a PDF.
Stitch Up Some Good Luck from Mr. Stevers
Not one, but TWO new St. Patrick’s Day pieces from Mr. Stevers (my lucky charmer!) Both are available as kits and PDF patterns. Lucked Up kit / PDF
The Last 15 Barbie Monologue Kits
I’m running out of the special faint pink fabric with lots of sparkles in it that I had shipped directly from DMC just for you. That means we’re down to the last 15 kits! Each kit has everything you need: fabric, three skeins of hot pink floss, a bamboo hoop and two needles. Plus pattern and instructions, of course. It's a nice long project and, if you're a fan of the monologue, a great way to absorb its meaning! Here’s a beautiful finished version with crocheted edges shared with us on Instagram by @leah.moore.makes.
Why Share Your Work on Instagram? $$$!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE when you tag @subversivecrossstitch on Instagram and show me your work. LOVE IT. So I’ve decided to sweeten the pot: if you post and tag us with something of ours you’ve stitched and I repost it, I’ll send you a $20 promo code for anything on the site! How’s that for inspiration? I’ll probably do one of two a month, but who knows? There are no rules in the Subversive universe! Oh, this applies to stories, too. And reels. As long as I can repost it, it’s in the running for moola!
That’s it for this week. I’ve got a weird gadget coming next week and who knows what else? Anything you’d like to see? I’m always open to your ideas and suggestions. Maybe you’ve been looking for a certain tool to solve a problem or just a fresh new idea. Lemme know via the email below, I’m all ears!
Thanks so much for reading, xoxo
I love to stitch a portrait now and then because it challenges me (this is one I made of my friend Cary). I haven’t found any tried-and-true method so far, I just try to use a high-contrast image and the least number of colors possible. DO let me know if you have any tips in the comments below! I know others can manage more colors and that always amazes me. Stay tuned, we’re working on a series with one of our guest contributors—once we figure out how to do it, I’ll unleash it in a newsletter soon!
Here’s another one I did for my friend Brad that was way too ambitious—larger scale and on linen!
And a couple of others, one of my mentor Jeffrey Zeldman and a self-portrait.
Always learning!