Gotta Make Room! Our Spring Sale is ON!
Over 25 items in the Spring Sale—have at it!
Free PDF: Spring Is Almost Here!
Not familiar with the song? Ella did it best (although she steered clear of the F-word). Just click “download” to download!
VeryCrossStitching in Amsterdam Stitching in Dutch!
Juliet of VeryCrossStitching, one of our Guest Contributors, has moved to Amsterdam! So when she said she was going to sell some stitched pieces at a street fair, I remembered that I had all the designs from the Dutch version of my first book, so I sent them to her—I can’t wait to hear about the reactions she gets! The book is long out of print, so I COULD upload the patterns as PDFs if there’s any interest. They’re basically duplicates of the English patterns but translated to be equally snarky in Dutch! Let’s do a poll!
Remember: Share Your Work on Instagram for $!
Last week I started a rewards program and I got quite a few responses! I sent a promo code to both Natalia and Diana for the above masterpieces. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when you tag @subversivecrossstitch on Instagram and show me your work. If you post and tag us with something of ours you’ve stitched and I repost it, I’ll send you a $20 promo code for anything on the site! How’s that for inspiration? This applies to stories, too. And reels. As long as I can repost it, it’s in the running!
p.s. that’s our Stitch-It Journal at left and tote bag at right with a design from Mr. Stevers.
From the Archives:
Since Subversive is celebrating 20 years (!), I thought I’d pull something from the archives now and then (in case you missed it the first time) Here’s a newsletter banner from 2007: that is my mother-in-law with the Shipping Magnate at left. Taken in the passport office, I believe. Love those glasses!
Here is the very first piece I ever did—a store-bought kit that included an alphabet to spell out the name of a bride and groom (SO 2003). Instead, I, well—you know what happened next! This idea was just about the only thing that saved me from a horrible job—hooray for art therapy!
That’s it for now—see you next Friday!